Old bird cage
Camilo Giraldo

Old bird cage is an electroacustic piece of a series of a new project (work in progress) called -objetos en desuso- (disused objects). This particular piece is based and inspired by an old bird cage that I found in a flee market.
Some of the pieces of this project (objetos en desuso) use only the sound that can be produced by the object (recorded and used as either clean or sampled and modified-procesed), while some other pieces like this one, use the sound of the object (Bird cage) mixed with other sources of sound like acoustic instruments (strings, mostly in this case) and synthesis.
This is the third piece of (objetos en desuso) and it hasn't been released.
Wen i contemplated This old bird cage in the fly market with it's imperfections and metallic oxide i felt that it had a story to tell not only in a metaphorical way but also in the way of Japanese poetic and aesthetic way "wabi sabi"
and later on I realized that the sounds produced by this cage are incredible!.
I will give more information about previous pieces of (objetos en desuso) in the artist statement.