Its fleece electrostatic
Mauricio Pauly, Linda Jankowska, Angela Guyton

This is the video version of the work, ITS FLEECE ELECTROSTATIC (a work for amplified violin and guitar pedals). The pure violin sounds and their processed counterpart are visually integrated through the mechanics evident in their performance. Because the technology is integrated into the physical performance, the artifice is exclusively within the music as it unfolds over time. The video takes this relationship further; using datamoshing as the primary visual language, it directs the ligaments and muscles propelling each musical gesture to gather their potential in colour form and re-organises them in space to produce a vivid, multi-dimensional and expansive experience of the work.
It is a document of the event of a relationship's disintegration, which spanned the making of the video. In addition to being personally deeply significant, each section navigates the following relationships as puzzles to be solved, seeking beauty in their solutions:
+ the seen and the heard
+ artificial (recorded/looper) space vs real (air/performer) space
+ co-operative vs disruptive, or even destructive, sounds
+ the silent and the not
+ melody and texture
+ past and future
“Mary had a little lamb, its fleece electrostatic / And everywhere Mary went, the lights became erratic"